1)the reason is *coincident connectors* on the edges of adjacent faces. Use the "Grid/Merge" command to resolve this.
+ set a tolerance smaller than min spacing and Pointwise will find adjacent connectors and nodes that lie within this specified tolerance.
Once highlighted, you can opt to merge them. Alternatively, you can simply replace one with the other by selecting the first, and then the second entity.
2) The faces do not form a computationally I*J*K block. Check the number of nodes on edges.
* Could not create a block with the selected faces. The last face will be removed
this message indicates a problem with the structured grid's topology. Most often the cause is one of these:1)the reason is *coincident connectors* on the edges of adjacent faces. Use the "Grid/Merge" command to resolve this.
+ set a tolerance smaller than min spacing and Pointwise will find adjacent connectors and nodes that lie within this specified tolerance.
Once highlighted, you can opt to merge them. Alternatively, you can simply replace one with the other by selecting the first, and then the second entity.
2) The faces do not form a computationally I*J*K block. Check the number of nodes on edges.
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