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Showing posts from October, 2017


FAQ Over defined dimension can't be modified Re-draw the sketch (2d), pay attention to over- constrained dimension (red colour), and delete the constrain.   Color Coding for constraint status – Teal: Under-constrained – Blue: Well Defined – Black: Fixed – Red: Over-Constrained – Gray: Inconsistent or Unknown import Solidworks blade Geo use " Geometry Interface solidworks & ANSYS "

Error log-Parallel UDF

What should I do when hwloc reports "operatingsystem" warnings ? When the operating system reports invalid locality information (because of either software or hardware bugs), hwloc may fail to insert some objects in the topology because they cannot fit in the already built tree of resources. If so, hwloc will report a warning like the following. The object causing this error is ignored, the discovery continues but the resulting topology will miss some objects and may be asymmetric (see also What happens if my topology is asymmetric? ). **************************************************************************** * hwloc has encountered what looks like an error from the operating system. * * L3 (cpuset 0x000003f0) intersects with NUMANode (P#0 cpuset 0x0000003f) without inclusion! * Error occurred in topology.c line 940 * * Please report this error message to the hwloc user's mailing list, * along with the output from the hwloc-gather-topology script. *********...

File types in ICEM CFD

Project Settings (*.prj) An ICEM CFD project file contains the information necessary to manage the data files associated with your project. Tetin (*.tin) Contains geometry entities, material points, parts associations, and global and entity mesh sizes. Mesh (*.uns) Includes details of the line, shell, and volume mesh elements of the project. Shell meshes are composed of triangular and/or quadrilateral elements; volume meshes may include tetrahedra, hexahedra, pyramids, and/or prisms. Blocking (*.blk) Includes details of the underlying framework used to create a structured hexahedral mesh in your project. Blocking files can also be loaded from, or saved to, an unstructured mesh. Attributes (*.atr) or (*.fbc) Maintain the association of user-specified data for parts, element properties, loads, and constraints with the nodes/elements of the mesh for a project. Parameters (*.par) Contains mesh-independent data such as material properties, local coordinate systems, solver analysis setup, an...

Running Parallel UDF on Linux OS( HPC)

Running Parallel UDF on Linux OS Platform: Apocrita, QMUL, HPC Goal: imposing 2nd stokes wave on velocity inlet BC, ANSYS Fluent velocity components of 2nd Stokes wave is defined by UDF Steps: 1.       Edit source code 2.       Setup the Directory structure 3.       Build the UDF library .      Load the UDF Library Load and Hood the UDF to specified BCs in journal file 1.      Source code x component of 2nd stokes wave /*second order stokes wave at inlet Boundary, wave velocity components are from equations 3.27 and 3.58, Pengzhi lin. numerical modeling of water waves. CRC press, 2008*/ #include "udf.h" #define pi 3.14159265359 /*define  constants*/ #define U  0.6 /*free stream velocity*/ #define H 0.076 /*wave height*/ #define g 9.81 /*gravity acceleration*/ #define L 4.8 /*wave length*/ #define d 1.6 /*water depth*...