Project Settings (*.prj) An ICEM CFD project file contains the information necessary to manage the data files associated with your project. Tetin (*.tin) Contains geometry entities, material points, parts associations, and global and entity mesh sizes. Mesh (*.uns) Includes details of the line, shell, and volume mesh elements of the project. Shell meshes are composed of triangular and/or quadrilateral elements; volume meshes may include tetrahedra, hexahedra, pyramids, and/or prisms. Blocking (*.blk) Includes details of the underlying framework used to create a structured hexahedral mesh in your project. Blocking files can also be loaded from, or saved to, an unstructured mesh. Attributes (*.atr) or (*.fbc) Maintain the association of user-specified data for parts, element properties, loads, and constraints with the nodes/elements of the mesh for a project. Parameters (*.par) Contains mesh-independent data such as material properties, local coordinate systems, solver analysis setup, an...